学术会议:紧随研究趋势 洞察学术热点 进入>
产业会议:新技术,新领域,深入产业环节 进入>
举办会议及论坛超过百场 邀请海内外院士超过50名 教授PI专家授课超过1000名 总参会人数超过10万人
2020-06-19 To 2020-07-31 Shanghai, China

Conference TopicsConference Topics

Conference Highlights Conference Highlights

Multi-Perspective Discussions

Multiple perspectives will be explored to help understand the approval of Chinese cell therapy products, including novel technologies, manufacturing processes, quality control, registration and evaluation.

Panoramic View

Panoramic View of cell therapy will be presented in the main venue and the 5 sessions by the first-class speakers.

Face-to-face Communication

Opportunities of face-to-face communication with top-ranked experts will be provided to promote the cooperation among enterprises focused on cell therapy.

Conference Consulting
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